Introduction to Training and Development (TnD)

Training is a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees' learning of job-related competencies. Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format. It is a framework that focuses on organizational competencies (include knowledge, skills or behavior critical for successful job performance) which offer training at the first stage, followed by developing employee to satisfy the organizations long-term desires and individuals' career goals and employee value to their present and future employers. Training can be used to grow a proficient competitive advantage to form intellectual capital which include basic skills, superior skills, sympathetic or concerned of customer or manufacturing system and self-motivated creativeness.

There were traditional and modern approaches of training:

Traditional Approach - Methods in which trainees are passive recipients of information, which for our training program, we used facts or information that includes lectures and audio-visual technique. Most of the organizations before were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.

The Modern Approach - Methods in which trainers communicate through spoken words what they want trainees to learn. The Modern Approach is now considered as more of a retention tool than a cost. It is least expensive and least time-consuming ways to present large amount of information which is easily employed or engaged with large number of groups' trainees. There were variations of Lecture Method - Team teaching, guest speakers, panels and student presentation. Video is a trendy instructional method used in training in order to improve communication skills, interviewing skills and customer-service skills and to illustrate how procedures should be followed.